The Anti-inflammatory Family Cookbook is Here!
Chronic inflammation can cause a myriad of health issues—even among children.
In this book, our Pediatrician-Chef team breaks down the complex science of inflammation and chronic disease in an easy-to-understand way. You’ll learn how a diet of whole and plant-based foods supports a strong
immune system, a healthy digestive system, improved mental health, increased focus, and more.
This book features 100 anti-inflammatory recipes that the whole family will love. We provide a step-by-step guide to getting children (and adults!) to love veggies, and embrace flavorful cuisines from around the world.
You’ll also find advice for feeding picky eaters, avoiding food battles, and getting your kids involved in the kitchen.
Simon and Schuster, 2021
Begin cooking The Anti-inflammatory Way with these recipes…
AI Spice Blends
Anti-inflammatory Spice Blends, Butter and Sauces are the foundation of many of the recipes in our book. Herbs and spices are nature’s most potent form of anti-inflammatory compounds. And they are the how cuisines all over the world make foods vibrant and delicious. Add our custom blends to your kitchen - and brighten your anti-inflammatory table.
Hilary McClafferty, MD, FAAP
Dr. McClafferty is the Medical Director in Pediatric Emergency Medicine at the Tucson Medical Center in Arizona. She is also the Founding Director of the Pediatric Integrative Medicine in Residency program at the University of Arizona, and Founder and Chief Executive Officer of the Academy of Pediatric Integrative Medicine.
Alexandra Romey
Ally is Culinary Developer at Saxbys, a coffee café in and around Philadelphia. She has been recognized by Foodservice Director Magazine, has received the Edible Philly’s Local Hero Award, and was named one of Billy Penn’s Young Chefs to Watch in 2017
Meet our Pediatrician-Chef Team
Stefania Patinella, M.A.
Stefania is founder of Seed to Table, which provides nutrition and integrative health coaching for individuals and families struggling with gastro-intestinal and related disorders. She has been teaching nutrition and healthy cooking to children and families for 17 years.
Maria R. Mascarenhas, MBBS
Dr. Mascarenhas is Pediatric Gastroenterologist in the Division of Gastroenterology, Hepatology, and Nutrition at Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia. She is Director of the Integrative Health Program and Nutrition Support Service and the Medical Director of the Clinical Nutrition Department and the Healthy Weight Program.
Jonathan Deutsch, PhD
Dr. Deutsch is Professor in the Departments of Food & Hospitality and Nutrition Sciences at Drexel University. He is also Director of the Drexel Food Lab, a culinary innovation and food product research and development lab that solves real-world food system problems in sustainability, health promotion, and inclusive dining.
Banana Quinoa Muffins
Get in touch!
Do you have a recipe to share with our community? A comment on one of ours? Or a question for our Physician-Chef authors? We’d love to hear from you!